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Monday, 15 January 2018

The first meet took place and it lasted for a good 7 hours. The time to say bye in the evening was painful.... kept looking as she left for home................

she wrote in the night... kept reading again and again reclining in my bed....

Aditi's mail on 14th Jan at 9.50 pm

today u made me felt that yes  'shudhu tumi amar....from yesterday i was literally having thousands of butterfly in my stomach.....today morning when u wrote u have landed...it was a wonderful mixed feeling...i was trying to be  composed....and trying to gather courage to meet you but not showing you as u might feel bad so was not talking to u much as i had to get ready for my office too....


...when i was getting ready ....was thinking what should i wear....then i thought no way i have to impress u or the dress is immaterial although i am very much conscious about it but first time i felt that let me not be so conscious....no formality....i was trying to keep myself easy ...and constantly feeding my brain to be relaxed....i decided to first go to office and was mentally prepared to visit u at around 12.30....but as i told u...when i was out i convinced myself Not to  miss even 2 hours with u....so at the last moment i told my driver to take a turn for hotel....and when u said u wud take 15 min, i was again having little palpitation while waiting for you in the lounge.....this time i was quickly thinking what to do once u wud come down...ha ha ha...seriously Adi....it was as if i am going to perform for my professorship promotional interview!!!..


....now when u came down....i was observing you from a distance....u were looking for me....when u turned towards me....ur innocent smile killed me....and in that fraction of second i decided to go up with u....u believe me even i didnt have any plan to go up....although i had wild imagination for the last few days.....in that moment Adi i jus listened to my heart , not to my brain....and my sixth sense said 'yes I am Right in my decision'...


...u must have been thinking while u were taking me to ur room that how cud i trust u so much...and believe me while i was with u inside the lift, i knew i am going to give u everything ... if there were a fraction of doubt, i wud not have gone up with u....i was really scared of myself while in the car that i should not disappoint u as i know myself very well..i am v v unpredictable sometimes...i always specially with males listen to my brain....very frankly speaking till date i shared so many things with you without seeing you....but i am so choosy and selective that sometimes i ask to myself whether i really mean what i write to you....and becoz of this reason I DO NOT HAVE ANY GOOD FRIEND...ALL ARE SUPERFICIAL AND PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP...I SWEAR.....u can only have friends from ur school and college which i dont have....and in later part of life, in profession we cannot have friendz who can understand u....yes i used to feel very much connected to ….. but for the last 10 yrs we must have exchanged not more than 10-15 mails....spoke 5-6 times...now after a year i received jus 2 liners...did not speak to him for last 3 years....so presently i dont really feel connected....everyone is busy with themselves....and i have also changed a lot with time....so truely speaking I WAS NOT HAVING ANYBODY TO SHARE ANYTHNG TILL U CAME INTO MY LIFE!!....AND NOW I DONT NEED ANYONE BECOZ U R THERE WITH ME ALWAYZ...


I literally used to feel so isolated sometimes that I dont have anyone to talk to my heart , many times i told this to him that he has so many groups ....although he hardly gets time  still he has school friends....college batch friends...and somehow i dont gel with typical females....and with males its another problems...so sometimes i literally used to feel lonely becoz he is a very serious type and introvert type...although he is a wonderful husband but u know what i mean!!..so  three months bac i went to the chat room out of curiosity of meeting strangers, as dr ….. told me that this is the safest for you as there is no obligation...if i am feeling bored i can jus talk to people from from different places ...i will get to know a variety of human psychology which i have never been exposed....SO JUS 1 WEEK BEFORE I MET U, I STARTED TALKING TO PEOPLE...and finally I GOT THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT IN MY LIFE...!!...


...SO TODAY ADI...U MESMERIZED ME WITH UR PURE LOVE...I was literally observing you keenly...ur body language...ur happiness....ur expression everything....I am SOOOOO HAPPY at the end of our 7 hrs of meeting...what i wanted u to be...u turned out to be exactly the same...even much more than that....I am Soooooo Blessed Adi...the way u loved me...the way u poured ur love....the way u took care of ME....it was amazing...no words to describe my feelings.....I wish our love blossoms much more.....i wish good health to us so that we enjoy this pure love for long!...This is a real gift God had showered on us...we have to take care and preserve it!...


....Adi thanx for the lovely perfume and when u said that'shona tumi amar ekta use kora pen nebe'.....u know Adi in 40 years of my life someone for the first time with so much of love said these words ....whenever i am thinking of it...its giving me tears...when i am seeing the pen, it reminds me ur touch...u adi...ur smell....ur finger....i cant anymore describe....


aar kichhu chaina...tumi thek ajker moto amake sharajibon valobashbe aar tumio janbe je ekjon tomake praner thekeo beshi valobashe aar sharajibon bashbe......amar pashe theko....anek tomake miss korchi......today's memory is enough fr me to live for the next 30 years.......love u!....


shudhu tomar.... 

Adi replied same night as below

My sweetheart
This mail is mesmerising. I just don't know how to start and what to write. Too many thoughts , too much blessed feeling running all over me. I just can't believe this. A dream sequence to meet u and have u for 7 hours. From my core I thank you for all you gave in this 104 days. Today I got to see the treasure of my life. When I saw u in the lobby, I could feel a chill through my body. When you hugged me first in the lobby, my excitement was at its peak. I was still thinking that we would sit in the lobby and then you will go to office. When you said lets go, I asked you gathering a bit of courage " should we go up in the room"? U said yes. I got a thrill and excitement. I thought u will give a hug and a kiss and the gifts and then we will go for lunch. My hands we trembling when I was in the lift. Was excited a lot.
When we entered room, you just hugged and kissed me. That was the kiss of my life, a love of my life kissing me... Unbelievable. Just trembling sensation. U made the thing so easy for me.. So spontaneous u r. U r like a flowing transparent river. Purity and kindness was there in your love.
Your gifts are the greatest treasure of my life. I will never ever part with these items. It has your love , ur happiness, ur utter care. They r so beautiful in itself. Handpicked by you . My greatest possession .

When u came inside my room today it was a dream come true . Oh my God that FIRST KISS... It was heavenly feeling. I thank you for all that u gave me. For all my life I will be with you. I want to do so much for you. I wanted to reside inside u and you have taken me so. I am happy about this... So much of love. I feel happy that I could make u happy. I feel happy that u feel so relaxed with me. I am a a vent to your isolation to speak your heart. My heart is open for you all the time. U reside in me and I reside in u.
We will part physically today but we remain committed in our relationship as the souls have met each other and will will remain united for ever. We will again meet shortly as or convenience and I assure you that I will never stop loving you.
My heart melts for you
My soul soaked in your love
Come and stay with me as u r


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