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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

My Aditi

An interaction that started in a cacophonous virtual room mostly inhabited by myriads of superficially charged gregarious humans most of whom have celebrated not less than 20 birthdays, has now taken center stage. Two matured humans engrossed on each other, both eager to get a glimpse on the other virtually shattering the screens on their phones/laptops. Each moment of each day goes into peeling the layers of each other in an utter quest to unravel the unknown, to quench the thirst, to visualize what’s not visible, to realize the common chord, to respect the abilities and accomplishments, so much so that time flies and the intoxication keeps both charged.

Human beings are more hard wired with each other in person rather virtually. But here comes a chemistry proving all litmus tests positive and attracting each other and pheromone secretion goes unabated.

The chemistry kindles the thought of a togetherness and solidarity more like a juvenile exuberance vibrating with a pulsating resonance more akin to birds of the same feather. The chirping goes on and on and the buds of an inseparable intimate bond have germinated.

Don’t know where this germination will go, don’t know where it leads to.. The dilemma has started haunting. the thought of a possible flash of this relationship can break the mirror into shattering pieces….A scary reality peeps inside. You said “ Lets quit” with a logic that’s practical. But I don’t know what to do, where this leads to.

The pain in quitting is too repulsive to accept. You said the sorrow fades away with gradients of time. You said may be a month and then things become normal. I am not sure about this. Don’t know if it fades away . Definitely time heals but feelings never fades.

When things occur seemingly outside of our control, we get frustrated, angry, impatient... My dear Aditi, see it as a lesson… for example If you usually get impatient in a queue , remind yourself there's no real hurry and the hurry fades away. Just give yourself a few minutes to relax and observe the scenes around you, have few deep breaths and realize the realities.

I leave it to you and accept what is your final decision. My acceptance to your quit word is out of respect and love and not out of frustration. You once said love means responsibility… right? Yes you are correct it does carry responsibility. I would take responsibility for the sorrow of parting but thy soul will always love you …. a love that won’t harm you forever,  a love that will forever protect you, a love that will pray for your safety and peace. Listen when you pray, someone listens… My prayers for your wellbeing will always be there.  I expect no sympathy to what I write as I know what I am writing is exactly what you think. We are absolutely at sync….. Am I sounding poetic? Maybe yes but that’s me and that’s what I am . I tend to write and write and write at times . Please don’t get upset. We are together in soul and remain so

I have not used a single word that is not in sync with my thoughts… It all that comes out from my heart. Don’t get me wrong please.. I accept you as you are. No ego, no clash, only love.

I am getting restless but will handle it.

Remain yours


Hi sweetheart,
My sweetheart you are. Unknowingly you have occupied my heart and you reside there peacefully until my last breath. The developments of the last one will never ever fade away and I am sure as time progresses the fondness , the attachment , the passion, the intoxication to have you, the bliss in having you from as so far away will flourish with every sunrise .

The accuracy and speed with which you Spotted me amongst the class photo was astonishing.. Mind you it was a picture of 1974.. It was before you stepped into this world. I am really stunned. You recognized a person of whom you have never met. I just can't believe how you correlated this just by seeing a few recent pictures..
Perhaps someone wanted two matured minds meet through their minds first in this birth .. Perhaps we separated too early and never got to see the last leg of life.
Our relationship is really strange.. So much we share, so much we talk in a day, so much we miss each other and yet we have never met.. Unbelievable!!
So much trust, so much attachments....just can't think how and why this happened.. But let me not think how and why.. It's more important to stay like this forever..

The distance between us at times kills from within and more importantly we have dwell with this distance. This is the sad part of the whole happy thing... Remember our English teacher Sir Alapat (he is no more) used to be one of the best English teacher our school had.. A highly passionate and romantic old man he was .. He used to explain each literature prose or poetry with passion.. I remember a poem by P.B. Shelley named ' To a skylark'
A line in the poem still I remember . It reads

Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.

Truly our distance is the saddest part yet this distance is creating the intensity and our happiness lies in the fact that we are submerged in this intense love.

Just remember another line of the same poem where the poet describes the skylark flying in the sky


Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.

Our journey has started this way .. An unbodied joy.. A journey of relentless love and happiness

Sweetheart, I still remember how passionately Sir used to explain each line and I used to listen with rapt attention. Perhaps I was romantic enough to love him teach..


My heart is so fondly maxed out with this intensity of our live from a distance.. I am sure it's same for you too


The thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me awake longer and longer each night.. 

Won't take more time as you are longing to read this before you sleep.

Sleep sweetheart with your hair on my body as I run my fingers through them.

I love the way you feel in my arms when hug and kiss every inch of you.

I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

I remain yours for ever, 


With endless love

A journey

This is the journey of two souls who met late in their life but became so connected that now they are committed to remain together until their last breath.
I will narrate few mails we exchanged in the process of this connection from core.
We are miles apart though in the same country. Each having their peaceful family at place. Both of us established professionals in their respective fields.
The meeting was online and the bonding and sync was from day one. Its as if we knew each other earlier and got lost in between... a re bonding like.
Today we cherish the last one year and remain committed to stay connected through our soul. The compatibility ushers magical attraction and has given such positivity in each others life.
We met in October 2016 and would narrate the mails we exchanged.