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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Adi's mail dated 8th November 2016 at 11.51PM

My dear Aditi,

U know what today I am feeling that we are a couple estranged by severe compulsions. So much of restrictions, so much of pulls, so much of test with time, so much of sacrifice; yet we go relentless just to explore options of staying together be it chat, phone calls or mails. Speaks volume of the attachment.. I haven't experienced this phenomena ever in my life not even after my marriage.. Honest confession!! 

Aditi, the way you love me, the way you talk, your whispers, your sudden pings, your sudden calls intoxicates me.


I am locked in my room, lights on, it's a bit humid today after the rains a few days back. Have my AC on @25.. Lying down with pillows stacked under my head... I visualise u come in and greet me with ur usual Shona.. I remain calm and state at u as I knew you would come.. I am not taken aback

I knew you would come

Come sit beside me and I want to write a mail and you remain quite until I finish it.. Will read it for you

You  know what , as I see you , I visibly correlate what I said all these days on phone.. silent , a smile full of content on your lips, smile of s woman who wishes for the world

Aditi your smile is like a sunshine for this stranger who now is mingled with your soul.

I know not if I see tomorrow's sunshine, but here you are sitting beside me with a smile which means more  than a million sunshine to me. Aditi, your eyes I see now , they speak , eyes that speak, a look that means a lot to me.. The eyelids still and you look at me as I remain intoxicated in your eyes.

Your lips I see smeared with sheer sweet love, your lips are the reason for which I have my mouth and heart

So close your eyes at once as I draw close to u. Don’t utter a word. Perk up your ears and listen to that silent sound inside you where all this is found.

Aditi, can you hear my whisper now? I draw close and feel the smell of you. 

 I hear that heart of yours drawing close to mine as I hold your hands and close my eyes... I see you now as I close my eyes.. You look composed and peaceful comforted by my presence.. No fear, no doubts.. Only a feeling of trust and togetherness.. 

There are only two sets of lips that are ravenous to be recognized and treasured. They meet and get locked


Remain locked here as I stroke your hairs.  Stay in my arms a while.

I have you for a day only Aditi

Let me have you and you have me 


I remain for you forever

Just one day we got and you remain in my heart for ever


Your love


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