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Thursday, 21 December 2017

MAIL FROM ADITYA ON 8th Dec 2016 at 12.15 AM


My dear Aditi,

You know this that we bumped into each other just out of nowhere and we suddenly realise that we can't live without each other
Each moment, (yes I mean each moment) that we breathe reminds us of each other... A feeling which is difficult to frame in words.. Who said ripples are formed in water bodies ; I feel that within my body.. Your soul has dropped into my body.. Ripples are natural.

The vacuum I feel inside me while missing you makes me more attached to you... Feel a sudden emptiness when I realise that I can't get to see you at my will. This creates ripples which also stirs the body and gives a peace that someone loves me so much and misses me so much. Ripples travel and travel our distance and the effect vibrates our body.. Don't you feel this ripple?
The ripples are created from the words you speak, the vision you cast, the moods you radiate, the calls you make, the messages you write. Most importantly I can see your inner core which vibrates with sheer love and life. Your vibrations radiate the ripples . Every time you say Shona it sends forth a ripple of care and love
Your tone intoxicates me. I still remember the first whatsapp message on that 4th October night. U said Hi this is ….... I got surprised with the speed .. Suddenly remembered that night.
Another thing which created ripples was your wit. I got shocked that evening when u said I have fallen love with u …. I said what??? .. Obviously I never expected this. U said do you dwell in Congo?
I kept laughing that evening. It started then and gradually we have passed more than 60 days.. 2 months of intense mails, calls, messages... Can't think how the last 2 months have passed...  have occupied so much space within me...

Hey, I feel like holding your hands and going for a long walk on a serene outfield with a mountain at the backdrop.. None to disturb us . Why can't we spend some time alone ? Is this relationship so much forbidden ?..leave it . Let's not dwell into this. All I know is I love you and one can love someone if the heart desires so. Two matured heart has realised this and thus the ripples of life emanates this chord of harmony between us. 


I have an unlocked door waiting for you to open it . Seeing you is like meeting someone most unexpected and suddenly the unexpected is in front of you and you realise here is what I have dreamt     U called me at this moment. Can anyone believe this coincidence? Can anyone explain this telepathy? Can anyone explain why you could feel my call? Oh my God!!! This is it. This is utter love, utter attachment, passion at its peak.. Just imagine the timing.. Please comment on this .. Please dear. You heard my call and responded. I could feel your touch on me as u spoke low. I heard your breath and its a treasured divine feeling of touching you.. I touched you deep on ur lips as they opened for me..

Oh dear we knew each other in previous life. It has to be. How is the chemistry so strong ? How can a bond be so strong? How deep is our love can you realise now? It simply mind blowing... It's time that the two souls meet and there's nothing on earth that can prevent this anymore. I never asked God to give you but still he gave you to me. It must be for a reason... To fill my life with life. To fill my love with love

Dear, I can't stay without you , I just can't, I am soaked with you, just soaked with you , you are all over me, just all over me. I smell you from this distance. How can you stay away. You can't. The call is too magnetic to stay away. 

I am hugging you so tight . I don't want you to leave .. Just kiss all over you and feel your divine touch

Please be with me unto the last breath. I remain yours forever. 



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