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Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Adi's mail on 10th Jan at 11.51 PM and Aditi's reply to the same on 11th Jan at 10.16 am and again a reply from Adi on 12th Jan 2017 at 12.16 am

.... few days before the first meet... these are the exiting hours before the first meet.....

A soft settled majesty (No subject)

Hi sweetheart,

Looking at your eyes in your DP .The eyes say something. The eyes shows something...I told you in the morning about a melancholic innocence.. On a second thought it has more to it. Melancholic is temporary frame or mood. The eyes depict something more permanent.. Feel like speaking out on this today

For the last few weeks I have realised and seen a very sensitive part of you. I have seen your passion, exuberance , wit, energy creating ripples within me.  I have seen your sensitive inner core earlier. Last few days of rather last two weeks I see more of a soft Mon in front of me. A tender caring soft Mon. You have a wonderful heart. A serene misty eyes depicting calm and passion with noble inclination. A innocent look which casts a love and affection... I feel these as I look at those eyes. I can see your inner core Shona. Tomar vetor ta ami dekhe phelechi.. Mone hocche tumi sob dukkho bhuliye diccho oi mayabi Dristi diye. I kissed you now and saw your eyes from close. They are full of kindness. A settled majesty

Love, when you whisper , I feel your soft tender heart on mine and as I realise the intensity of this love, I cannot but thank you for giving me so much love in this life.

It's so thrilling to realise that in few days time we will see each other. I have no words to describe the feeling. I don't know how to react to this. It's a call of the hearts and a wonderful feeling. The souls have met already. It's seeing each other for the first time and time to cherish this wonderful feeling of togetherness..

Tomar ki goose bumps hocche? Amar  serokom kichu hoi ni Kintu Ekta excitement hocche... First date at the age of 48... Ha ha ha

We will talk tomorrow and then will do bookings. Settle down in office. U will be resuming after a break.

Oh Dear!!. Missing u a lot. Feel like u r whispering in my ears, feel ur fragrance , feel a soft skin under my hands. I feel you in my heart. You are inside me for ever... What a love..
Melting down in your love.
I assure you that this love will never die. I am here for ever. I want to see you happy. Khub kosto hoi tomake chere Thakte.. U say that after first meeting things will be settled and the restlessness will be less. I don't know. I just don't know.. I just know that I will again long for the next time when we can meet again. Love u Shona.. Love you.

With loads of care, good wishes and love
A kiss on your eyes, a kiss on your lips, a long tight hug

Take care and stay well

Yours Adi
Aditi's reply

u know what!!!!...i am addicted to ur long letters...if i don't read before starting my day...if i don't hear you either while starting a new day ...i feel incomplete!!...its so intoxicating....it has become so permanent that i cannot jus live without it.....Adi...i love this magic of urs...magic of ur words...ur love....ur vibrations which i can feel sitting far away from you.....yes it creates ripples in me too....


...thank you so much for taking out time for me everyday night and pouring so much of affection....care and love on me.....this can never happen without any cause....


...yes i am v v excited for the coming saturday....always i am thinking how we can best use of few hours of our meeting...so that we can cherish the sweet memory of our first meeting forever....beshi plan na korai valo...let it happen in its natural way....we don't have to impress each other....lets not be critical and judgemental....ha ha ha....ektu tension hochhe...tai na??...


i hope ur office issue be over by friday night so that u can very well come here on saturday...everything would be fine....dont worry...


anek ador...yes i am in my office...lots of work....will talk to u once i am free..


love u


shudhu tomar aditi

Adi again replies to this on 12th Jan as below

I really don't know how I keep writing such mails to you. Never done this before. Such is the attraction that what's inside comes out vehemently and I have the nature of speaking out my heart. Maybe that's why I keep pouring my heart out to you. I feel you as part of me... Shotti bolchi. Just the distance separating us, else we r together in thoughts all the time. 


Don't want to plan much about the meeting on Saturday. I am coming that's it . We will meet and cherish our relationship. Not really tensed but excited obviously. Will book the hotel tomorrow. 


I only hope that the drama about the chairman visit gets resolved within Friday. Not sure about their return dates but I don't think they will stay back on Friday. In fact I guess tomorrow only they will go back. Very whimsical people.. Keeps on changing programmes. 


I think u were very busy today. Resuming office after the break and then your own work. Busy indeed. We will catch up tomorrow as per our convenience. 


Are you not excited about this meet? Today is the 101st day .. Century hoye gelo.. Time flies.. In 100 days we have become so close, so settled, so comfortable.. It's as if we know each other a long long time. We meet for few hours and that will be our treasure until the last breath. It's a memorable day and unforgettable indeed it would be. Feeling so happy that we are going to meet atlast. 

Don't want to write much today


Just want to close my eyes and see you in my vision . I feel you every night before I go to sleep and I can realise that you are also doing the same there. 



You are in my arms as I hug you tight and kiss ur eyes. We stay united like this until our last breath. 

Loads of love
Your Adi


Adi's mail 22nd Dec 2016 at 12.01 AM

As the night sets in
Silence caressing the darkness
Mind unwinds
Body tired from the days hard work
Another day cut off from this life
A rewind of what's done and undone,

My heart yearning love
The soul touched softly with something
pouring out my soul into your hands and trust you to keep it safe
Feelings of togetherness
Capturing the soul from inside out
Reach the unreachable, achieve the unbelievable
In the midst of all the madness, remember life's beautiful
Still I'm feeling restless, thinking I should rest less
Heart bleeds
The soul searches the invisible
Cannot fathom the pain of living so far away
Living with the vacuum in my heart
That irresistible feeling of missing what you crave for
That feeling of not able to get
That feeling of never ever be together
No matter how hard we try
No matter how intense the love is
We can't shout and reveal to this world
The pangs of carrying the secret

Life goes on and on
River flows glistening the stones on its way
Each day passes like that glowing river
Can't get back the years of life past
Can't see that same droplets in that flowing river
Yet the river flows
Life goes on

Hope remains
Memories don't fade
Love intact
Passion flows
You remain in my soul
Aditi's reply to mail dated 13th Dec... she mails in the morning at 10.13

I cant believe that a finance person has written this heart touching letter!!...this is simply mesmerizing my love!!!.....

I think your talent is underutilized....please keep writing and at the end of 10 years we will publish these letters.....seriously ..it wud be the finest expression of love ....of two souls who stayed far away from each other....

I am so fortunate that at this point of time someone is literally soaked in my love.....i myself dont know when it happened.....when it started.....but it seems that it was there since time immemorial....isnt it???....

.....love you adi....thanx for being with me....loving me unconditionally......i am so blessed dear!!.....
Only yours



Adi's mail dated 13 th Dec 2016 at 12.22 AM....

I hear the flutter of the wings but the bird disappears in the azure sky

I hear the sound of rains but can't drench myself

I hear the smile but can't see the lips

I hear the waves lashing on the shore but can't touch the receding foam

I smell that rose but can't see the flower

I see the shadow not the light

I hear the breath but can't feel it

I see the grass drenched in morning dew but can't soak myself in the wetness

I wake up with the sound of the chirping birds and as I look through the window the skylark defies her way into the clouds and flies on the horizon

The constant pursuit of feeling my love drives me into the orbit of loneliness. Love oozes from my pores as I lay motionless with your hands on mine as I stare at your eyes .
It's my MON in front of me.. I feel you Mon in every breath I breathe, in every moment Of my journey . You are the hope I cling to.... You are closing your eyes but I see your heart peeping out and speaking love .  Hold my hands as I assure you that here I am to give you love and life .
I gaze in the wilderness in this loneliness and my heart yearns for you. My heart is seeking you... Come Mon, please come and sit beside me.. I can't stay without you.. Be with me as I look at you and assure you of this passion that drives us. Our abundance is our passion and we touch each other with passion.. Let this passion drive us . We touch each other and remain locked tightly as our love has tied an invisible knot and knit us so intensely. Come close Mon and hear the melody of this unconditional love and feel every inch of my soul. It vibrates with your love..

Bodies together, Bodies parched,
Passion oozes from every pore,
As the passion heats, And the moans increase,
The explosion awaits, One final pulsating release...

We lay with our souls locked and tranquility prevailing.. It's a long journey of pulsating love

Let us take this journey and remain drenched in love

With endless love
With endless kisses
With endless hugs

I remain YOURS

Aditi's mail dated 8th Dec 2016 at 11.41 AM

My Adi....when I read your mail ..i get goose bump....jano keno?....shei aeki karone...protita muhurto tumi amar shamne....amar pashe boshe acho amar haat dhore.....ami jani tumi kotota make pran diye valobasho....aeto kom shomoye evabe aeto govirvabe amake keu mone hoy valobasheni!....i took many years to get adjusted with my present one.....kintu tomar shathe i feel its so simple and easy to move forward!!....

....i dont have to hear your voice to knw your mind....from your text...from your flow...from your words i can make out your well being!!...so i could very much guess that somethng is wrong with you and i was right!!....that question bothered you so much...but why so?...i jus asked your perspective about our relationship...i never consider this as 'extra marital affair'....i hate this word i told you....our relationship is very pure and objective is different!!...dont you think so?....it is unconditional....we have no expectations from each other...yet we mean a lot for each other!....tumi jemon amake chere thankte parbena...amioto parbona....tahole chere thakar poshno uthche keno?....are you not confident enough to face any crisis if it arises???...we are mature enough to handle the situation and moreover we will not commit any mistake so that our social prestige gets affected!!....

...so please be happy and smiling....this relationship should radiate positivity.....this is distressing to both of us....uou should never think that you are giving me stress!!....

ei shona....pls baby....already we have too many responsibilities at home as well as in office....so let us keep this wonderful baby simple and transparent!!...

ajke aekta boro mail chai.....i wait to read your letter....it makes me feel that we are together...ALWAYZ CONNETCTED!!....

With lots of love

Your Aditi
Aditi, remember you asked me to write on Durga Puja food habits .... You wanted to have some inputs for some magazine.... See this mail below which I wrote on 5th Dec 2016 at 10.28 PM

Durga Puja is not just a festival .Its a big canvas of life where very sweep of the brush ushers fusion of cosmic energies and conspicuous spirit of joy. Every Bengali waits for this celebration and remain lingered to get submerged in this extreme celebration of life. None can stay away from the the fun, food and the fervour that Durga Puja brings in .

The gregarious Bengali community greets this celebration as a stage where people gather from all walks of life and participate in few days of sheer joy.

The festival dots various celebrations from offering puja to Goddess, wearing new clothes, travelling from far away locations and uniting with family, cultural extravaganza, showcasing creative talents and off course the multi cuisine Bengali delicacies.

Food occupies the centre stage in Durga Puja. Food acts as a medium of intimacy for the gregarious Bengali community and what better occasion can it be other than the Durga Puja.

The fast foods of prominence include fish fry and mutton Kabiraji, Bengal’s obsession with the crumb coated, deep fried delights takes a whole new meaning during Durga Puja. Not to forget the famous luchi with aloo dum forms the archetypal Bengali’s favourite breakfast.

The famous  Bhog’er Khichuri served at various Puja Pandals form the star attraction and unmatched nostalgia. Young neighborhood men clad in traditional pajama Punjabi gladly take up the tiring job of serving khichuri bhog to the hundreds who gather to feast on the delightful sweet and spicy mix of rice and lentils, served on plates made of banana or sal leaves, typically accompanied by brinjal fry (bejuni), a spicy medley of seasonal vegetables (chocchori) chutney, papad

The food culture of a Bengali is earmarked and synonymous with fish in its various forms. Amongst the delicacies which finds fkavour in this season are the sorshe ilish (hilsa cooked with mustard paste), Ilish paturi is a very popular dish where the banana leaves retain the flavour of the fish as well as the spices, chingri macher malai curry (prawn cooked in coconut milk) is a classic dish.

A Bengali cannot imagine Durga Puja sans mangsho (goat meat). Kosha mangsho – mutton braised with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and a host of warm aromatic spices – is spicy with a hint of sweet and is best enjoyed with phulko luchi or typical Bengali style sweet basanti (yellow) pulao packed with nuts and raisins.

Amongst the other delicacies which finds prominence to meet the insatiable hunger is biriyani with its potatoes and eggs alongside succulent chunks of meat/chicken

Durga puja remains incomplete without the mouth watering Bengali sweet disches. From sandesh,chanar jilipi to mihidana, sitabhog and langcha, roshogollas, kamala bhog, sandesh, and Pantua ,misti doi– iconic in themselves finds flavor everywhere. Few home made sweets like narkel naru( grated coconut in sugar) are invariably made at every home. New generation fusion sweets with chocolate and strawberry are fast catching up too.


MAIL FROM ADITYA ON 13th Dec 2016 at 11.31 pm

Unexpected (No subject)

My sweetheart,

You are nothing that I ever expected in my life, but now that you have stormed in, you are everything that I dreamt. How could I stop following my heart.. I followed it and I reached your heart. I touched your heart. Your heart oozing love and care. Your passion overflowing and creating ripples which lashes on mine.
Our days have turned into weeks, weeks into months, months will soon be years, smiles have become laughs,

laughs eagerly waiting to silence and turn to kisses...

Isn't it a fairy tale like amidst an ordinary life?

How suddenly we have started missing each other with this intensity that every moment is soaked in your thoughts. Every moment is a hope to feel you .. My dear you are in my inner thoughts all the time. You are like the rains that made my grass greener. I smell you in every corner and seek your presence all the time. ... You called at this moment to my pleasant surprise.. Dear u made my night. Your are all over me. I plant my kisses like seeds in your body. Few minutes I talk to you I feel love showering on me and I get drenched in your love. Oh dear!!, you are all over me, kissing me all over and as I remain silently gazing at you , you hold my hands and I assure that our love will go unabated and we unite forever.

Someone said that the best love story evolves most unexpectedly at the most unexpected time...

Thanks for accepting me and realising my unconditional love
Let this intensity give us strength and courage to go forward.

I remain your love

With loads of love

Yours Adi

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Adi's mail on 7th dec 2016 at 23.51

আমার  মন আমার তুমি

আমার মনের ভেতর  তোলপাড়  করছে .. কেন? তুমি  জানো কেন ? আমিজানি না ; সত্যি   জানি  না ;

শুধু   জানি তোমাকে আমি  কোনোদিন  ভুলতে পারবো না

কোনোদিন না ভালোবেসে থাকতে পারবো না    .

 পারবো না তোমাকে ছেড়ে থাকতে .. প্রতিটা মুহুর্ত তুমি আমার সামনে ....

You please tell me can I live like this. How can I ?
My dear I just can't write today anymore .. I just can't see anymore . Don't worry I am okay , I need to live to love you all my life
Please excuse me. I can't write your favourite long mail tonite.

You are beside me.. I hold your pillow close to me..
Please excuse me tonite dear ..can't write the long one

Lots and lots and lots of my true love


Mail from ADITI on October 11, 2016 1:54 PM

বর্নে গন্ধে ছন্দে গীতিতে
হৃদয়ে দিয়েছো দোলা
রঙেতে রাঙিয়া রাঙাইলে মোরে
একি তব হরি খেলা
তুমি যে ফাগুন
রঙেরও আগুন
তুমি যে রসেরও ধারা
তোমার মাধুরী তোমার মদিরা
করে মোরে দিশাহারা

মুক্তা যেমন শুক্তিরও বুকে তেমনি আমাতে তুমি
আমার পরাণে প্রেমের বিন্দু তুমি শুধু তুমি

প্রেমের অনলে জ্বালি যে প্রদীপ সে দীপেরও শিখা তুমি
জোনাকি পাখায় ঝিকিমিকি নেচে রীতি নাচালে তুমি
আপনও হারায়ে উদাসী প্রানের লহগো প্রেমান্জলি
তোমারে রচিয়া ভরেছি আমার বাউল গানের ঝুলি

মুক্তা যেমন শুক্তিরও বুকে তেমনি আমাতে তুমি
আমার পরাণে প্রেমের বিন্দু তুমি শুধু তুমি

চমকি দেখিনু আমার প্রেমের জোয়ারও তোমারই মাঝে
হৃদয় দোলায় দোলাও আমারে তোমারও হিয়ারিই মাঝে
তোমারও প্রানের পুলকও প্রবাহ নিশীথে চাহিয়া মাতে
যত মোর নাম গাহ মোর গান আমারই একতারাতে

মুক্তা যেমন শুক্তিরও বুকে তেমনি আমাতে তুমি
আমার পরাণে প্রেমের বিন্দু তুমি শুধু তুমি

this was for u....was listening to this song Adi....was remembering you a lot........