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Wednesday, 27 December 2017

MAIL FROM ADITYA ON 13th Dec 2016 at 11.31 pm

Unexpected (No subject)

My sweetheart,

You are nothing that I ever expected in my life, but now that you have stormed in, you are everything that I dreamt. How could I stop following my heart.. I followed it and I reached your heart. I touched your heart. Your heart oozing love and care. Your passion overflowing and creating ripples which lashes on mine.
Our days have turned into weeks, weeks into months, months will soon be years, smiles have become laughs,

laughs eagerly waiting to silence and turn to kisses...

Isn't it a fairy tale like amidst an ordinary life?

How suddenly we have started missing each other with this intensity that every moment is soaked in your thoughts. Every moment is a hope to feel you .. My dear you are in my inner thoughts all the time. You are like the rains that made my grass greener. I smell you in every corner and seek your presence all the time. ... You called at this moment to my pleasant surprise.. Dear u made my night. Your are all over me. I plant my kisses like seeds in your body. Few minutes I talk to you I feel love showering on me and I get drenched in your love. Oh dear!!, you are all over me, kissing me all over and as I remain silently gazing at you , you hold my hands and I assure that our love will go unabated and we unite forever.

Someone said that the best love story evolves most unexpectedly at the most unexpected time...

Thanks for accepting me and realising my unconditional love
Let this intensity give us strength and courage to go forward.

I remain your love

With loads of love

Yours Adi

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